
Furabendam is an organic compound with molecular formula of c7h14n4o3, molecular weight of 202.2111, melting point of 107.5-ordm; C。 It is mainly used as insecticide.

Toxicological properties:

Toxicity: furamide is very safe for mammals, and its acute oral LD50 is 2450mg/kg in male rats and 2275 mg/kg in female rats; Male mice were 2840mg/kg, female mice 2000mg/kg. The acute percutaneous LD50 GT was observed in rats; 2000mg/kg (female and male). No teratogenesis, carcinogenesis and mutagenicity. Furamide is also very safe for aquatic organisms. The fish toxicity test showed that furamide was used to nm (48 h) > of carp; 1000mg/l, for Daphnia > 1000mg/L。 Similarly, furamide is also very low to birds, and it is acute to quail through mouth LD50 GT; 1000mg/kg。 The results of bee experiments showed that furamide was a medium to high risk for bee toxicity, and the pollination stage of plants was forbidden.

The drug has the characteristics of contact killing, stomach toxicity, strong inhibitive ability in root, high quick effect, long duration of 4-8 weeks (theoretical effectiveness 43 days), wide spectrum of insecticidal, and has excellent control effect on the insect pest of the sucking device, and shows high insecticidal activity at a very low dose. It is mainly used to control aphids, cicadas, planthopper, thrips, whiteflies and their resistant strains in wheat, rice, cotton, vegetables, fruit trees and tobacco leaves. At the same time, it is also effective for Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera and Homoptera pests, and is also highly effective for health pests such as cockroach, termites, houseflies and other health pests.

Rice pests

High efficiency: brown planthopper, white backed planthopper, grey planthopper, black tailed leafhopper, rice spider stink bug, star bug, rice green stink bug, red bearded stink bug, rice negative mixed insect, rice tube water borer. Effective: Chilo suppressalis, rice locust

Vegetable and fruit pests

High efficiency: aphids, psyllids, whiteflies, scale insects, Sagittarius scale insects, red stink bug, peach fruit moth, orange leaf miner, tea leaf moth, yellow striped flea beetle, bean leaf miner, tea leafhopper. Effective: lecanius lecanius, Plutella xylostella, Tetranychus bicolor, thrips flavipectus, thrips nicotianae, thrips flavipectus, thrips citri, gall midge of soybean pod, leaf miner of tomato. Furfurachlor has a wide insecticidal spectrum and is very safe to crops, human and livestock and the environment. Combined with various uses, it is expected to become a large-scale pesticide in the world.